Wednesday, 31 December 2014

You CAN much more than you THINK you can

OK this time really briefly. Sometimes , I have moments of much more 'inner' than 'outer productivity' and this is one of them, but I think it is a good story to share just at the advent of the next new year.

'I can much more than I THINK I can', I understood very profoundly after my first day of volunteering at the local Hippotherapy Centre in Warsaw.

I had been helping with some individual and group kids hippo-therapy sessions. This included helping with the horses that were participating in the activities but also some interactions with the students themselves. Absolutely amazing children that I consider myself lucky to have met. Children that were in some way or the other not fully able.

And I was astonished with their deeply ingrained exuding positive energy I received. Surprisingly, not very common for so called 'fully able world'.

That was an eyes opening experience, after which I promised to myself: 'no more complaints, and no more fake excuses, which are often only my untrue and limiting THOUGHTS. I do have all I need to get where I want to, and this is so much already!'.

Nobody else will get to work on my passions and 'special gifts', if I won't.
And each time I am more convinced that all it takes is a conscious decision, consistency... and practice (it is enough to follow a biography of any master in a given discipline).

After this realisation a series of equine art paintings and illustrations simply flowed out from under my hand. I am so grateful for that.

A good start for the next new bunch of (hopefully) 365 days ahead.
Let's make a good use of them and every single one as if they were unrepeatable miracles (which they actually are). After all we really can much more than we THINK we can.

Do share if you 'think' the same.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

to LOVE what IS

LOVE what IS
Including YOURSELF


Take these Thoughts with You on Your Journey Through Life

Don't ever forget that you are unique.
Be your best self
and not an imitation of someone else.
Find your strengths
and use them in a positive way.
Don't listen to those
who ridicule the choices you make.
Travel the road that you have chosen
and don't look back with regret.
You have to take chances 
to make your dreams happen.
Remember that there is plenty of time
to travel another road - 
              and still another - 
in your journey through life.
Take the time to find the route
that is right for you.
You will learn something valuable 
from every trip you take.
so don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Tell yourself that your are okay
just the way you are.
Make friends who respect your true self.
Take the time to be alone too,
so you can know just how terrific
your own company can be.
Remember that being alone 
doesn't always mean being lonely;
it can be beautiful experience
of finding your creativity,
your heartfelt feelings,
and the calm and quite peaace
              deep inside you.
Please don't ever forget that you are 
special and very much loved.

                                                - Jacqueline Schiff