Sunday, 25 January 2015

Changing the saddles

11 boxes packed, a sunset view from the Terrace of the Palace of Culture and Science (I do regret I did not go there more often! Don't make the same mistake, do visit often if you can! ) and a good bye afternoon with the 'Warsaw' horses. This is how my four-and-half-year adventure with this city came to an end. (as for now).

Before I arrived here I would never have expected I would EVER live in the city that evokes such polarized feelings and it is not really famous for its beauty ( 'blame' the history not the city! I understood it perfectly after visiting the Warsaw Uprising Museum. Do visit if you can!). A huge change after warm and socially open Spain I managed to get used to, I must admit. I was never a fan of this location. Once I even decided to reject a lucrative job offer and to stay abroad with no job at all in order to avoid coming here. Well, life can be very tricky sometimes as you might already know.

Someone told me once that 'the people we meet are either our friends or our teachers'. I think the same about places. Warsaw is a great teacher of mine and after all this time I must say I learnt to like it, in its particular way, and to make friends with her (allow me to call it 'her'). But the time for a change and the new had come and here it is happening. I must say that in spite of all the feelings that follow leaving the comfort zone this change seems very natural. Life is wise and more and more times I come to see that we can trust and relax back. Like when galloping. The more relaxed you are the more joy you have with it. And for me galloping is a synonym for life interactions and an exemplary case of living in a 'flow', that is to say in a harmony and an alignment with the world, if you know what I mean (?).

Wrocław brings a pleasant change. How less dense it is! How slower people walk and they stop to let you cross the street! A really nice experience, for a change (sorry Warsaw).

So, ladies and gentlemen, the saddle has been changed. Shall we gallop?