I think people too!
Have you ever tried to approach an animal that has experienced a mistreatment from people?
They think all people all the same. They think all universe is NOT a friendly place (paraphrasing Mr Einstein). And so they can even attack you, hurt you, try to scare you off, only because they ARE AFRAID. This is a vicious circle of fear & unfriendliness. Can you see it??
If you do, good. You can break it!
People do exactly the same. I believe that FEAR is the main (if not the only) cause for people being unfriendly (let's use this general word). You may find people being rude, aggressive, mean. All this results from them being afraid! How do I know it? Well, it does happen to me too, when I am scared of something!
'Ultimate defence? Don't defend' said Byron Katie. Oh! what a truth!
Sounds ridiculous and stupid at first maybe, but if you try once, you will know.
Building higher walls and more powerful weapons will only lack you deeper in the vicious circle of fear & unfriendliness. Is your 'universe a friendly place' (Thank you again Mr Einstein for bringing this topic up!). Is it really?
2 weeks ago I decided to challenge myself to believe that my universe IS a friendly place (Thank you very much Ewa for being there for me and reminding me this!).
Two days ago, after a long long time of not having my own home, loosing a lot, having all the rights of this world to think that it is not a friendly planet, I was woken up by the birds in a most amazing home of mine ever! This is NOT a coincidence.
YOU are the Universe.
Even if you were born in a cage you definitely CAN FLY.
Is your universe a friendly place?