Tuesday 28 October 2014

A wallet-photo-rule

When I miss horses I paint them.
It is a simple wallet-photo-rule (even though I was told once it is not an elegant habit to have one!?)
We tend to have a photo of a loved one somewhere around.

It is a period of my life when due to some life turbulence I have no place where I can regularly ride, or ride at all.
An easily accessible (from Warsaw) place where you can ride WITH a horse not only ON a horse, if you feel the difference?
This 'WITH' is extremely important for me and you will not believe how difficult it is to find one!
I keep looking and in the meantime a recent piece of my art. You can find more here.

I hope you like it!

Grace | Ink on Paper | 21 x 29.5 cm | 2014

Friday 10 October 2014

Basic trust rule

Before anyone else can trust you (and follow you), 
you need to first authentically and completely trust yourself.

Fee Horses Wisdom #2